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Detailed Program
Paper Number : NA-P06
Time Frame : 12:00~13:30
Presentation Date : Friday, 28, November
Session Name : Nano-particles & Nano-structured Materials
Session Chair 1# : -
Session Chair 2# : -
Visible-light-induced Enzymatic Reaction of Peroxidase Hybridized with Layered Iron-titanate
Mr. Daiki Ito
Nagasaki University
Recently, several groups have reported that photochemical control of enzymatic activity succeeds by ultraviolet (UV) light irradiation to inorganic nanoparticles adsorbing redox enzymes [1]. In these researches, the reaction process consists of photo-excitation of the inorganic nanoparticles, followed by transfer of thermal energy, excited charge carriers, or evolved radicals to the enzymes. The present study proposes a novel photo-induced enzymatic reaction technique operated by irradiating visible light with more moderate energy than UV light. More specifically, horseradish peroxidase (HRP) is adsorbed to semiconducting layered iron-titanate (FTO) with a narrow band gap, and then the HRP/FTO is exposed to visible light for triggering of enzymatic oxidation.
Acknowledgements :