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Paper Number : PI-O05
Time Frame : 14:22~14:34
Presentation Date : Thurseday, 27, November
Session Name : Piezoelectric Materials, Devices & Applications
Session Chair 1# : Miso Kim
Session Chair 2# : Takeshi Morita
Prototype of a Micro Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Motor
Toyohashi University of Technology
Piezoelectric ultrasonic motors are expected as the most prominent micromotors for actuating miniature devices that can help minimally invasive diagnoses and treatments, such as endoscopes and catheters. They have two advantages for miniaturization: (1) high energy densities with high torques at low speeds without a gear and (2) simple structures using simple components. In front line of ultrasonic motor miniaturization, prototypes using few millimeter stators have succeeded in generating rotation.
I have proposed a prototype micro ultrasonic motor consisting of a cubic stator with a volume of approximately one cubic millimeter [1]. An advantage of this motor is the use of a vibration mode that generates three waves around the circumference of the hole in the stator. This mode, independent of the length of the stator, can generate a certain magnitude of vibration amplitude, even if the size is reduced to as little as 1 mm. Also, the simple structure of the motor makes the size miniaturized without using any special machining process. In this study, I build and demonstrate the performance of a prototype micro ultrasonic motor. Figure shows the prototype motor: one cubic millimeter stator with four piezoelectric elements at sides and the rotor inserted into the through-hole of the stator.

Figure 1 Prototype Micro Ultrasonic Motor


[1] T. Morita, "Miniature piezoelectric motors," Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 103, pp. 291-300, 2003.
[2] T. Mashimo, "Micro ultrasonic motor using a one cubic millimeter stator," Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 213, pp. 102-107, 2014.

Acknowledgements :