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Detailed Program
Paper Number : TF-I04
Time Frame : 16:30~16:55
Presentation Date : Friday, 28, November
Session Name : Thin Films & Layers
Session Chair 1# : Soon-Gil Yoon
Session Chair 2# : Hiroshi Funakubo
Enhanced transparency, mechanical durability, and antibacterial activity of zinc nanoparticles on glass substrate
Soon-Gil Yoon
Chungnam National University
Homogeneously distributed zinc nanoparticles (NPs) on the glass substrate were investigated for the transmittance, mechanical durability, and antibacterial effect. The buffered Ti NPs between Zn NPs and glass substrate were studied for an enhancement of the transmittance and mechanical endurance. The Ti NPs buffered Zn NPs showed a high transmittance of approximately 91.5% (at a wavelength of 550nm) and a strong antibacterial activity for Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria. The buffered Ti NPs are attractive for an excellent mechanical endurance of the Zn NPs. The Zn NPs did not require the protection layer to prevent the degradation of the performance for both the antibacterial effect and the transmittance.
Keywords: Zinc NPs; Buffered Ti NPs; Transmittance; Mechanical durability; Antibacterial activity
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